It's time for us to get a bigger car seat. We went to the doctor today and Samuel is 20.4 pounds and almost 28 inches long. He is a big boy. We have several road trips in the next couple of months and know we need to figure out which one to buy. I don't know lots about these, but have been told that Britax is the brand to buy, and, considering his size we should get the Marathon. My question is: Will it fit in our cars? We have a 2001 Subaru Forester and a 2000 VW Jetta. Does anyone know? You would think there would be a chart someone on the Internet that would provide that kind of info...but I am yet to find it.
On another note, we are doing well. David is spending all his time writing papers, reading, studying, and finishing other assignments that are due on May 1. It is weird to think that after that we will be finished at Covenant...more on that later.
I took the day off to take Samuel to get his shot. Sounds incorrect, like I should say "his shots", but that is not what we get. We get one. We got one...the DTaP. (We are on a delayed schedule.) My doctor called it the DTP several times and I had to correct him as if making sure we are not getting the older (and potentially harmful) version, though I knew that was not the case. I have been worried over these shots and the possible effects they could have on Samuel. I felt/feel particularly concerned because I believe his little body is very sensitive to things...for example his food allergies. However I know he needs them. And, I was comforted on my way to the doctor, by the fact that God really is sovereign. That sounds simple, but I felt this in a rather profound way that made a difference in my heart. So, he got the shot...that brave little man did not even flinch, much less cry. And, we have had a great afternoon since, praise God as such things ought not be taken for granted.
I also had an interesting exchange with the doctor about my anxieties for him in general. I told him that I know I worry too much, and that I know this is not good and even unhealthy for him and me and that I am working on it. He told me that I made his day because he sees moms like me everyday who have all the anxiety but none of the conviction that it is something that needs to be let go of to some degree. I asked him how it is possible to not be aware of such things, but then knew the answer as I was once probably far more unaware of my self then they. There is something good about knowing you are broken and in need of help, opposed to ploughing through life like all is okay, all the while haphazardly hurting people (like little Samuel) by your blindness.
I believe Barclays have a Britax and a Subaru Forrester. Ask them (might not be the Marathon model..)
Ashley, I just found the link to your blog as I was cleaning out my old e-mails. What an adorable tribute to your little family! I can see that Samuel is such a blessing in your lives.
In terms of carseats, I think you would be very surprised at what can fit in a small car. We have an evenflo, and it is pretty large - I was absolutely certain that it would not fit in my husband's 2-door Hyundai Accent, but it surely did! I think you just have to take it home and give it a try.
And in response to your post about Samuel starting solids - yes, I think that having him less dependent on you for his nutrition IS made more difficult by the fact that you are a working mom. I know and understand this fully. Sometimes, my greatest comfort while working was knowing that I was still providing Josie with the nutrition she needed. But I will tell you that Josie's needs are constantly changing, and I have found that I am always there to do my best to fulfill them - just as you will always be there to meet your Samuel's needs. Being a mom is an everchanging adventure - each adventure just as precious as the last.
I feel like I could just kiss his lips off!!!! I am dying to be there with you all! We love and miss you so much--words do not explain my love for you 3!
Hey, don't know if you've bought a carseat yet, but here's my advice. Britax is a great name and they make fine seats, but you pay WAY too much for them. We bought Avery jr. an Eddie Bauer carseat for about $100 less. A close friend of ours has a Britax seat for their daughter and it's about 25-50% wider than ours which makes it a lot harder to fit in certain cars, or at least have someone ride next to her. hope that helps.
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