I've never posted something I've made (but I wish I did because I so appreciate when others post recipes). Making this is a great example of cooking/baking with food allergies, Ashley style, at its best. You have an idea...look up the "normal" recipe and then figure out how to do it so that your little one can eat it. Which also means asking other Mama's, online, who know about this stuff.
Most of the time you spend too much time, money, energy, not to mention heart, and he doesn't even eat it. Yes, that is true. But every once in awhile it works and he will love it. Also, a part of the drama, is that you occasionally find yourself throwing some ingredient in because you know it needs something. This kept happening to me tonight and I was able to laugh out loud many times, all by happy self, in my quiet kitchen. So, we'll see if it is any good, particularly if HE likes it. I'll try to post the recipe if so.
By the way, this is that pretzel, strawberry/strawberry jello, creamy dessert you probably had at a potluck long ago. Come to think of it, that is the one and only time I had it--at a potluck in Dusseldorf, Germany, another lifetime ago. Obviously made by an American.
And, finally, this is WHAT I made for Samuel for Thanksgiving. I have no idea what else he will eat. Probably a hot dog and chips.