Weight: 11 pounds (85 percentile)
Heigth: still 22 inches (75 percentile)
Eye Color: Still blue
Nicknames: Buddy, Sugar Booger, Baby Eagle, Weasel (because of his efferts to be unswaddled)
Hobbies: Waving arms around slowly and whimsicly, staring at shadows and light
Dislikes: mom "cleaning" his eyes and putting in eyedrops, being swaddled
Accomplishments: Laying on his belly and lifting head 90 degrees, smiling, cutting down to about 17 diapers per day.
What mom likes best: his face (espcially when she goes to feed him in the middle of the night) and his smell
What dad likes best: his eyes, observing him observe what's going on around him
His first prayer requests: He wants you to pray for his reflux! He has some serious vomitting daily. He started taking Zantac today and we are hoping that helps him. He truly gets all anxious and stressed by it and looses his breath. Of course the whole thing makes mom anxious too. Pray the medicine would work and he would quickly outgrow this.